Thursday, August 23, 2007
I'm going to compete in my first obedience and agility trials in September. We're going to travel up to Chch. for a ribbon day, which are a slightly less serious version of championship shows...a perfect starting place.
The Boss says we'll enter into the 'special beginners' class, which is one up from the beginners, but as the exercises are all ones that I can do well already we'll have a crack at the harder level.
Also, we're starting to learn a new game at training...the 'retrieve'. It's a bit like FETCH, but instead of chasing the toy and bringing it back, I have to go and find my toy among a whole lot of other dogs toys put into a circle. Actually it's pretty easy.
AND, I can attempt the next level of my Canine Good Citizen in late October...a step closer to that Gold award.
Busy times ahead!!
Posted by
Jake the Mess
10:05 AM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Not the first...
Oh yes, The Boss had an e-mail from Sandra (my Mum's Boss) to say that actually I wasn't the first Stafford to get a CGC award in the South Island.
She took one of my relations (not sure which one) to the CGC Silver standard a few years ago.
The Boss thought that the CGC scheme was new, but it's been resurrected from a few years ago. So I was the first SI Stafford in the NEW scheme.
I'm gonna be the first to get the Gold standard though, just you watch!!!
Posted by
Jake the Mess
1:44 PM
A ray of hope..?
The Boss was talking to the NZ Kennel Club yesterday, about establishing an 'official' dog club here in Wanaka. The subject turned to the current govt. proposals to ban certain breeds of ME for instance.
It appears that they (NZKC) are fundamentally opposed to the banning of ANY breed type, and are formulating strategies to publicly say so. They have also approached the MP's and outlined their opposition.
The gentleman that the Boss spoke with suggested that we don't get all grumpy in the media about their irresponsible attitude to the facts, as that nearly always leads to further mis-representation of the tempting as it is we have restrained ourselves! (Although the Other Boss did go into the local radio station and set them straight after a particularly thoughtless on air comment yesterday...way to go!!)
Posted by
Jake the Mess
1:09 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Oh NO...
This is a letter written by the Boss to all the Stafford owners in the Club. I think it says all that needs to be said. A dog could just cry.
The Last Staffordshires in NZ.
Hello Stafford people.
Are you enjoying the last Stafford you will ever have? Are you making the most of your games of fetch on the beach or in the park, before you are required to permanently muzzle and leash your dog in public? Seriously, the political writing is on the wall. We are heading into a general election, and the latest attack on a toddler in a Chch. park is providing our politicians the platform they crave in the public eye, and despite the facts, our dogs are being singled out again in the media as culprits.
Don't just sit there, DO SOMETHING! e-mail the reporters (who always sign their scribblings) and ask how the breed was identified? In the recent Chch attack, the Press reporter told me that the "Dog was identified by a member of the public and the police... they were actually pretty vague but hopefully the Council dog control would verify this." BUT, when the Council was asked the same question, the response was (and this would be almost funny if it wasn't so serious) "What usually happens is we get a best guess from the witnesses, and we put that in the records with a question mark by it." Despite this appalling lack of commitment to the truth, the dog is publicly named as a Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross.
If the media and council officers knew that they would be questioned by several hundred people every time they report fallacies like this, they might at least check their facts prior to publishing.
What have YOU done to protect the breed against this trial by media? Do you know which Govt. Minister is responsible for dog legislation in NZ? (Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Associate Minister Internal Affairs: ) Have you written or e-mailed her and expressed your opinion? Did you know that the Hon. Peter Dunne: is drafting a private members bill to ban all "pit-bull types" in NZ, which he assures me WILL include Staffords, and he will likely get the numbers he needs to push this bill through the house. A perfect opportunity for a minor party to make a major headline or two. Have you stirred up your dog owning friends with other breeds, pointing out that the 'Banned' list will keep growing, just like it has overseas, and their German Shepherd/Rottweiller/Bouvier/Mastiff/Schnauzer will be targeted once all the Bull Terriers are gone and kids are STILL being attacked.
You, as owners, are guardians and ambassadors for the breed in our country. If you do nothing , and leave it up to a vocal few, then you've failed in your responsibility to stand up for your friends like they would for you, and helped deny our kids the right to grow up with this "most suitable for family" breed...
These politicians are serious, committed and in a position to take your dog out of society. Make them aware that you don't agree, tell them why, and KEEP TELLING THEM...
Posted by
Jake the Mess
8:54 PM
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