Trials and Tribulations...
The Boss says I let myself down this weekend at our first competition...well I did warn him...if you don't put in some extra effort, nor will I!
We entered 2 obedience classes, the Maiden and Special Beginners. We didn't get any pictures of the Maiden...this is the Special Class.
What we had to do is (Maiden) HEEL on leash, with a few left/right/about turn, automatic sits every time we stopped.
Then we had to SIT/STAY while the Boss walked away 10 paces, then COME and sit in front, then HEEL around to the proper left hand side. All of that was fine, and I did it pretty well. Then we had to go back into the ring with all the other dogs, and SIT/STAY in a line while all the Bosses walked away 10 paces.
This is where it went a bit pear shaped! First off a big Labrador got up and came over to me for a sniff...fantastic, we had a nice doggy time, which encouraged a couple of other dogs to do the same...but apparently it's not allowed. So once the exercise was over the Judge said that we could have another go without the Labrador. This time, nobody came up to sniff me, so I guessed it was my turn and went to say Hi to another dog... But it can't have been the right thing to do after all because the Boss seemed a bit upset!
Anyway, I got Third out of about ten dogs, so I can't have been THAT bad Boss?!
The Special beginners was similar, except we had to HEEL both on and off lead, and also SIT/STAY for one minute, and DOWN/STAY for two.
I think we should just say that my STAY wasn't all it usually is, and I think I upset the Boss of the (cuuute) spaniel next to me when I went to be social with her dog. You can see us all lining up here ready to begin the exercise in this second photo.I don't know what all the Bosses are looking at, but if they expect us to pay close attention to them all the time, perhaps they might show us the same courtesy!
On the whole though, a fun day. I would have liked a go at some of the Agility exercises, but we NEED TO TRAIN LEADING UP TO THE EVENT FIRST...don't we Boss!!
There is another competition in a couple of weeks, and we'll go up for another attempt. The Boss reckons I would have won the Maiden class with a good STAY, so maybe I'll do it next time!