Monday, February 25, 2008

A post from The Boss in the Rawfeeding Group...

Discussion group here

My 2 SBT's are now 1 month into their raw food diet. The 3yr boy is now first in line for his chicken half every day, (from refusing to even hold it in his mouth 3 weeks ago).

He's shed almost 1 kg in weight (now at 19.6kg which is big for the breed). I didn't think he was overweight before, but he looks SO much better for losing a bit...muscle definition and 'tummy tuck' are fantastic.

The 6mnth old bitch has been fine with raw since day 1, but is such a poor traveller..(really poor like frothing and drooling just being put into the car, LOTS of work to do here:-/ )that we've not been taking her to the vets for a weigh in. She is fit, lean and active and I'm not at all concerned about her either.

What we've fed...

First week... beef neck/raw steak. Lots of horrendous farting, 2 boney bile vomits in the middle of the night. Happy tired dogs from all the chewing and dragging it round the garden.

Last three weeks just a half chicken carcass each (approx 400g per dog per day, no guts or feathers) and a boneless breast fillet as a bonus meal every 2 or 3 days, (trying to get the flesh/bone ratio a bit closer to 85/15)

Also a whole raw egg every 2 or 3 days...which they havn't figured out how to break yet (dangerous 'pit bull' jaws!!) but absolutely adore when they finally crack them, shells...the lot.

plus two fresh roadkilled rabbits, fur and all. These were treated with suspicion until I read somewhere here to 'make the first incision', and when I did that the dogs were transformed...('s a rabbit PIE...why didn't you say so?) and ate every last bit including the fur.

I figured that the rabbits had provided them with enough organ meat so other than lots of liver treats for training purposes I've not fed any more.

Things we've noticed:

Much less doggy smell. Much less. From their coats and their butts!

Doggy poo has behaved as promised and is now turning white/crumbling away. The dogs do have to strain a bit to do their 'business'.

It's alarming in the way they dispatch a 1/2 chook in about thre bites and swallow them basically whole...but NOTHING BAD HAPPENS!

All in all, I think we're converted.

Mind you we'll see how I feel in a couple of weeks after I switch them to beef/lamb again...


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