Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The list...

On Saturday 24th Nov SDTC held Canine Good Citizen Assessments with excellent results.
Dogs awarded CGC Silver were
Bracken (English Springer) - Lucy Sandford-Reed
Oak (Ridgeback X)- Cheryl Wilson
Maddie (Border Collie) - Kelly Walker
Jake (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)- Nicki ...
Tinker (Golden Retriever)- Ian Spellerberg
Dogs awarded CGC Bronze were
Bailey (English Springer) - Gail O'Neill
Bracken - Lucy Sandford-Reed
Rocky (Huntaway X) - Mish Horka
Oak - Cheryl Wilson
Maddie - Kelly Walker
Jake - Nicki ...
Tinker - Ian Spellerberg
Trully (Poodle) - Barbara Meredith Chch Dog Training Club
Titania (Shetland Sheep Dog) - Rosena Smythe Chch Dog Training Club
Dogs Awarded Canine Good Citizen were:
Bailey - Gail O'Neill
Q (Border Collie X) - Andrea Byrom
J (Border Collie X) - Andrea Byrom
Finn (Border Collie Bull Terrier) - Vicky Quinn
Rocky - Mish Horka
Tinker - Ian Spellerberg
Trully - Barbara Meredith Chch Dog Training Club
Titania - Rosena Smythe Chch Dog Training Club
Deacon (Dalmatian) - Heather McCormick Chch Dog Training Club
Well done to the handlers and a big thanks to the Assessors Joanne Hammond, Dawn Pratley (SDTC dogs) & Lucy Sandford-Reed (CDTC dogs). Also a big thanks to the Trainers without whom the dogs and their handlers could not have reached the required standard.
Dawn & Joanne commented that the standard was much higher than they observed in May.
The day was a mix of fun, nervousness, hard work, and concentration. SDTC needs to be proud of the fact that there are now 5 Silver level dogs in the Club.
It looks like there will be assessments in May and November each year so now is the time to start thinking about the training requirements for the May assessment. Classes start 22 Jan 2008.
Contact Lucy for more info - details at the end of this e-mail.
And by the way - of course no bias "go Springers"! We were the majority breed across all levels for once!!!!!!
Who Knows there may be a visit to the Wanaka Outpost in the New Year for any keen souls and their dogs.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Quietly getting on with it...

Guess what...another big trip to Chch. over the weekend, and sat/passed the Bronze & Silver levels for Canine Good Citizen...

The other Boss took me, the Boss was was no problem really...looking forward to having a crack at the Gold. We're going to go for that when we get some assessors to come here to Wanaka for the beginner CGC tests...hopefully in about Feb. next year.

No photos of this trip...oops!

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