Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Yay, they're all gone...

That's better, town's calmed down a bit, and the parks and beaches are dog friendly again.

Those kids must be all getting locked in their day kennels again. Good.

Training was a bit ho-hum, not many of us, and a couple of new guys. One boss spent most of the session chasing down his fox terrier that decided RUN was much better than COME...


My mate's back from holiday, and he was on the end of the lead this week. Quite often I don't work as hard for him...and wasn't heeling all that well during weaving I admit, (New dogs to meet you see) but the boss was watching and he got all high handed and made me do it properly.

He was holding Tara, who came for another sleepover, and she wasn't doing so hot either, but he didn't grump at HER...

Today was good though, the Other Boss took me for a walk up Mt. Iron...which is a BIG WALK let me tell you.

That fire & bean bag are looking mighty inviting.

Monday, July 9, 2007

It's official...

On a brighter note, I received my Canine Good Citizen certificate in the mail on Friday...very flash.

I need a kennel so that I have a wall to hang it on...


I hate School Holidays...

School holidays mean that my Mate usually disappears for a few weeks to one of his Grandparents, and the town is FULL of people.

On the beaches.
In the parks.

And of course the Boss is working from midday to midnight...

So no mate, no fun, no at home training time...


I made my point at training yesterday. After not being very good the week before at DOWN on recall...and having had NO PRACTICE AT ALL since...I did it poorly again.

He'd better get the hint this week.


Thursday, July 5, 2007

The winter rush...

You might have noticed my posts are getting a bit more spaced out...that's because it's WINTER, and that means we don't go out and do as much fun stuff, and it's also the time when the restaurant is at its busiest, and so the Boss has limited time for other things...

He assures me that sitting up until 3.00am every morning this week watching the Americas Cup has NOTHING to do with it...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sleeping over...

My friend Tara came to training today. And she's staying the night. She's a 12 yr old boxer. A bit set in her ways but we get on great...

...I bounce at her and she woofs at me. Heaps of fun.

We had a fairly small training group, with one new labrador puppy, who was pretty good. And two other strange dogs as well who were tied up and watching...and barking a lot too.

I got to PLAY FETCH...and even show off a bit with my toy and the games we play...but I sort of blew it with the DOWN on recall. That'll teach the boss to spend the week hiding from the weather.

Mind you, it wasn't all snow on the ground today...which was nice.

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