Monday, May 7, 2007

Things I can do with my dumbell...

The Boss can throw the toy and I will:

Or he throws the toy and I...

On the return leg from FETCH I can:

...DOWN (or SIT...not very good at STAND from a distance yet) and then return with the toy.
or, I can leave the toy at the DOWN position and return to HEEL, and then FETCH.

Another one is the Boss puts me on a STAY, then puts the toy 10 mts. in front of me, and then goes another 10 mts away himself, and I'll run straight past the toy to HEEL, then go back and FETCH.

I REALLY like Fetch!

I really like playing TUG as's my best and favourite game...but the Boss won't play that with me much at the moment because of all the stupid newspapers.

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