Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday, bloody Sunday...

I'm not sure about Sundays. Sundays are Obedience Training club. Sometimes that's ok, and sometimes people just can't make up their minds about what they want a dog to do. It's "Jake, SIT. Jake DOWN. Jake HEEL..." and so on, for a couple of very trying hours.

My boss knows I can do all this stuff perfectly. I always do. I'm the best dog there I reckon. So then today, instead of showing me something new and interesting to do, I get to go to the NEW ENTRANTS class instead of my normal advanced...while the boss goes off and has coffee, leaving me and my mate to mix with the puppies.

And then, after that, my mate gets to run around in a big field for ages with all his friends (he calls it a 'soccer game' but I know fetch when I see it) while I have to sit quietly on a leash and watch. Fair go I can see why some dogs bite their bosses.

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