Sunday, May 13, 2007

I said DOWN...

This is the beginners class...again.

My mate took me in this one, then the Boss took over for the advanced class.

Looks calm doesn't it...3 seconds later I was the only dog still in place...

and I'm NOT in the wrong spot...nobody else did what they were told immediately like I did.

Honestly....How hard is it to DOWN and STAY?

That's four HOURS of being good..well mostly good...and no FETCH or anything. I just wish some of those other dogs would do what they were supposed to a bit quicker and then we might get to play some new games.


Anyway...two sleeps and we're off to the farm...

By the way, click on the picture and look at those STUPID b. sheep in the background...don't they KNOW I'm a vicious killer!!! Boy they're lucky I'd had breakfast.

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