Sunday, May 27, 2007

Yay, a new game...

Dog training day again, but along with the usual easy SIT STAY DOWN stuff, we played a game where everyone comes up and gives me a PAT! (Tell you what though, some of these doggy people really need to learn about how to meet a new dog properly...lots of just reaching up over my head without asking first. Lucky I'm a nice dog!)

The Boss asked if we could play this because it's a Canine Good Citizen it's good for me, and also good for the other dogs to STAY while their bosses pat someone else.

Here's how it goes...


Then the Boss takes my lead off and walks 3 steps away.

Then, one after another, all the other Bosses (about 18 or so) all come up and pat me, while their dogs have to stay in line with the class.

To start with I was doing my "so happy to meet you" bounce and funny snorty thing that I like to do...but the Boss didn't like that for some reason??!

So he put me back on the lead and then PULLED IT REALLY HARD when I moved from sit. So after a couple more people I decided that sit and STAY was probably a good idea.

Let's face it, that's a small exchange for 18 pats in a row!!!

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