Saturday, December 29, 2007

Click & Treat...

I've been introduced to a new thing...'Clicker Training'...and (finally!) some agility exercises.

The bosses bought home a tyre on a stand that I can jump through...and also leave 4 posts in the ground for me to 'weave' through.

I'm great with TYRE..they say it and I run over and jump through. Fun.
WEAVE is a bit harder...I do it as long as the Boss is right there with me, but I won't just run off and do it by myself's a bit confusing...

Also, we go to train with another boss that I don't know...and she has a bunch of tunnels and jumps in a field that we play with.

My Boss said the clicker is part of the training...but I don't see how. All he does is push the button and make a click/clack noise...then give me a yummy treat...5 or 6 times in a row, twice a day.

If this is agility training, I've found my lifes work !!!

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