Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A letter sent by the Boss...

To the NZKC...


My dog 'Jake' & I are currently at the Silver standard of CGC, with a Gold assessment hopefully in Feb/March.

It seems to me that while a certificate is a nice thing to have, it will invitably end up in a folder with all the dogs other bits and pieces of paper…and not promote the CGC scheme to a wider audience at all…What would be much nicer is a medallion for the dogs collar…perhaps a bronze/silver/gold…retaining the certificate only for the basic CGC level….(mind you, I find the 4th (lower) distinction a bit confusing to explain to people anyway…, and wonder about it's purpose. Perhaps a slightly lower standard for the bronze and correspondingly higher for silver would be a better approach?)

Obviously the NZKC are keen to minimise the costs to the end user…but I think a survey would show we will pay for such a nice bauble…particularly if it was an optional purchase…

...and something else…a certificate in the drawer at home is a poor reminder of my responsibilities when walking the dog, unlike a nice shiny trinket that catches the eye of everyone we encounter.

Just my 2 barks worth.

Merry Christmas to you all…

Warren & Jake
Lake Hawea

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