Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This clicker thing is pretty cool...especially now I've worked out what its purpose is...The Boss makes it click/clack whenever I do something that he tells me too, and do it quickly and accurately.

It marks the exact moment when I'm doing the 'right' thing.

To start with, The Boss would just 'click' me, then give me a treat...that was for about a week, two or three times a day, 5 or 6 clicks each session.

Then the next week, he would give it a click...but then wait for me to look at him before I got the treat...2 or 3 times a day, 5 or 6 clicks each session.

Now, when we are training, he tells me to go do something, such as one of my new favourites 'TYRE', where I race off and jump through a tyre in a frame...and as soon as I'm leaping through...right at the start of my jump...he clicks me...and that means I can go get my reward from him.

He's been varying the rewards heaps too. Sometimes it's of my favourites...sometimes bits of raw meat...

...sometimes a big game of tug too, which is especially good!

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