Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's raining...

Raining raining raining.


...and I'm NOT enjoying open wide very much. The Boss gets a treat, makes me COME and SIT in front, then HEEL and SIT...then he says OPEN and lifts up my lip...then I get the treat...but he grumps if I move from the SIT while eating.

The treats are ok. Sausage today.

Don't really like the lip thing though.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Open wide...

The Boss says I've got to let A STRANGER look down my throat to pass my CGC test.

He reckons that I'll enjoy learning it. That'll make one of us ...

On a more fun note, we're going to go over the hill to the Queenstown training club on Sunday to show them how we do it Wanaka style!

Monday, May 28, 2007

A ray of hope..?

Oh my goodness, can the voice of reason be entering the fray? Found this while surfing about...Click here to read more...Here's hoping New Zealand can get some sanity into the debate also...

The (UK) Kennel Club hosts Dangerous Dog Parliamentary Seminar


‘To protect both the safety of the public and the welfare of dogs’

On the 22nd May 2007 a ‘Dangerous Dog’ seminar and reception took place at the House of Commons, sponsored by Marsha Singh MP and arranged by the Kennel Club

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Yay, a new game...

Dog training day again, but along with the usual easy SIT STAY DOWN stuff, we played a game where everyone comes up and gives me a PAT! (Tell you what though, some of these doggy people really need to learn about how to meet a new dog properly...lots of just reaching up over my head without asking first. Lucky I'm a nice dog!)

The Boss asked if we could play this because it's a Canine Good Citizen it's good for me, and also good for the other dogs to STAY while their bosses pat someone else.

Here's how it goes...


Then the Boss takes my lead off and walks 3 steps away.

Then, one after another, all the other Bosses (about 18 or so) all come up and pat me, while their dogs have to stay in line with the class.

To start with I was doing my "so happy to meet you" bounce and funny snorty thing that I like to do...but the Boss didn't like that for some reason??!

So he put me back on the lead and then PULLED IT REALLY HARD when I moved from sit. So after a couple more people I decided that sit and STAY was probably a good idea.

Let's face it, that's a small exchange for 18 pats in a row!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's funny how...

Isn't it funny how these Boy Racers can cause untold tragedy and annoyance to the population, yet Helen Clark says that the "laws we have are perfectly adequate..." and just need enforcing.

No mention of banning these stupid souped up cars that injure how many innocents each year...and at what social cost..?

...but every time there's a dog bite it's "society has no need for those kind of dogs..."

Err hello...does that seem hypocritical to anyone else?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wait up ya mongrols...

The Boss and my mate...thinking they're funny.

Lunatic behaviour...

Ok, apologies for not posting recently...Internet access from the farm is dodgy at best!

Anyway, my week did get better. This is my new friend Luna. I don't know what they feed her but boy I wish I could get some...she's HUGE!

We had a great time doing mad laps of the house and stuff. She can run fast, and I have to take three steps for each of hers...but that's ok, she can't turn tight corners like I can...although she doesn't even notice when I do my favourite "leap up and shoulder barge" fact I'm the one who bounces off HER and falls over...gonna have to work on my technique obviously.

There are about 5 other dogs on the farm, but I wasn't allowed to play with them, apparently they take things a bit too seriously, and don't like playing fun games with new friends...their loss I say!

We got home again yesterday, so I'm allowed inside again, and back to sleeping in my right and proper place on the Bosses bed. He was making noises about me not doing that anymore...which is fine, I just won't do it any less!

I'm booked in to do my Canine Good Citizen test on the 16th of June in Christchurch, so that's ANOTHER big drive in the car coming up.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

From the Farm...

Holidays are NOT all they're made out to be...! it's day three, and so far I've spent 10 hours in the car to get here, not been allowed in the house, GROWLED AT by this big bitch who thinks she owns the place, (just 'cause her boss does)...and had to sleep in the CAR each night instead of my rightful place on the Bosses bed.

Oh yes, I got taken for a 1 hour walk yesterday.

Through the paddocks with all the animals...walking at heel...lucky me!

If this is a holiday then I'm a cat!!

Next time I'm gonna see if the vet will look after me instead of coming.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I said DOWN...

This is the beginners class...again.

My mate took me in this one, then the Boss took over for the advanced class.

Looks calm doesn't it...3 seconds later I was the only dog still in place...

and I'm NOT in the wrong spot...nobody else did what they were told immediately like I did.

Honestly....How hard is it to DOWN and STAY?

That's four HOURS of being good..well mostly good...and no FETCH or anything. I just wish some of those other dogs would do what they were supposed to a bit quicker and then we might get to play some new games.


Anyway...two sleeps and we're off to the farm...

By the way, click on the picture and look at those STUPID b. sheep in the background...don't they KNOW I'm a vicious killer!!! Boy they're lucky I'd had breakfast.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Honestly, 6 HOURS I've spent at work today... if someone didn't have to closely guard this heater from harm I'd go and complain to someone...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Join the Club...

I'm now a member of the

Southern Cross Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society...

and about to become a a member of the NZ Kennel Club,

and taking my Canine Good Citizen test in the near future.


Ah...and we're going to the FARM next week...that's why we had those vaccinations... that makes them well worth it!

I wonder if they still have that fence that bit me?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Oh...that's what they meant...

OK, I know what vac-see-nations are now.

Lucky for the vet I don't believe my own press....and that she had some liver treats afterwards...

Ouch!!!...and YUK too, she squirted something cold and smelly up my nose.

(Which was a LOT nicer than the big worming pill the Boss shoved down my throat yesterday. Like I'd fall for the old 'pill wrapped in cheese' routine a second time. That's puppy stuff.)

I stood on the scales too, and I'm 22 kgs. That's big for a one of me...
So look out!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


From Marj Kibby's Choose and Raise a Puppy blog,
10 pieces of advice from Greg Derrett, the great UK agility trainer:

1. Get the dog you want.
2. Give it a short sharp name.
3. Study basic learning theory.
4. Teach [the dog] to play, including .tug.
5. Become more rewarding to the
dog than the environment or the
6. Develop a solid wait with strict criteria.
7. Have consistent release commands.
8. Teach directional commands -- left, right, go on.
9. Practice circle work.
10. Have a regular fitness routine.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Surely they'll save me one piece...?

Things I can do with my dumbell...

The Boss can throw the toy and I will:

Or he throws the toy and I...

On the return leg from FETCH I can:

...DOWN (or SIT...not very good at STAND from a distance yet) and then return with the toy.
or, I can leave the toy at the DOWN position and return to HEEL, and then FETCH.

Another one is the Boss puts me on a STAY, then puts the toy 10 mts. in front of me, and then goes another 10 mts away himself, and I'll run straight past the toy to HEEL, then go back and FETCH.

I REALLY like Fetch!

I really like playing TUG as's my best and favourite game...but the Boss won't play that with me much at the moment because of all the stupid newspapers.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Finally...we're getting somewhere...

Obedience training was almost FUN today.

Still a lot if Come, Down, Heel, Come...usual human indecisiveness... But then we (briefly) got to play FETCH. Maybe I'll perservere for another couple of weeks...the Boss might finally be getting it...

That big Benson who looks just like the dogs that beat me up was much better behaved today, and I wasn't sitting by him either!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Man loses finger in pitbull attack...

Scan the headline and it sounds like another 'vicious pitbull' rampage eh. Read the article, (term used very loosely) and the guy gets bitten while MOVING A BADLY INJURED DOG.

Like duh...of course it was gonna bite him if it was INJURED and IN PAIN.

The tragedy here is that the dog has been hidden away from vetinary help...gee I wonder if all the bad press has anything to do with that!

Newspapers. A dog would almost think they had it in for him recently...

Why me??

Now, not only does my mate play Fetch every Sunday with a big fun ball, (calling it Soccer just so I can't play) ...he's begun playing another, even more fun game on Saturdays... and he gets to play with a big STICK and chase a ball...calling it Hockey...just so I can't play.


Friday, May 4, 2007

Onions...I should have guessed...

Apparently we dogs are allergic to onions. I can believe it too. I still think the boss is lying about chocolate though.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Education is key...

A community approach to reducing dog bites, I'm gonna get the boss to forward this to our local council.


Three dogs have paid the price for two peoples stupidity. They should be ashamed of themselves. They should both be banned from dog ownership.

Were the 'pitbulls' really going to bite the kids? Maybe. We don't know.

Of course they ripped the foxy to rushed in and ATTACKED THEM. That's what the witnesses say.

Apparently the kids were running away.


Ok, that's it now. No more.

RIP Dogs.

Last time, I promise...till next time!

"I don't think it's wise for anyone to have pitbulls. They're killers, they only know one thing.

"But the little Jack Russells like George, they're harmless."

Really? like I said, tell that to our cats.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Here we go again...

A feisty Jack Russell terrier has given his life to save five children from a mauling by two savage pitbulls.

Listen to the tone of the reporting here, one dog is 'feisty' because it rushes in to attack a perceived threat, while the other dogs are 'savage'.

All the dogs involved were doing what they believed was the right thing.

That's all we dogs ever do. Our perception of what's necessary is shaped by the environment we live in. I'm sorry to say that the two "savage" dogs here will need to be destroyed for something that is NOT THEIR FAULT.

Just ask my cats about "feisty Jack Russell terriers." A type of dog bred to CHASE and KILL small animals. How come it was able to race to the defence of those kids?

Don't tell me it was off its leash in a public place!?

Am I to assume that the local council will be prosecuting its boss also, it did after all rush in to attack another dog, whatever the odds against it were.

We don't count the odds.

The wee dog was a hero you say. Rubbish. He was being a dog. We're brave and loyal and protect the ones we love. That's why you humans keep us around.

Repeat after me:

So let's stop talking about breed, and focus on deed.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Dad's a Royal!

This is my Dad.

Aus. Ch. Belleden Golden Prince (Imp-Aust).

Handsome or What!!

(if you know who should be credited for the image, please let my boss know here)

Does this mean I'm a PRINCE TOO?

From here on I shall answer only to "Your Majesty".

Oh yes, things are going to be different around here now I know about my Dad!

BSL article by Diane Blackman

The link to read this article in entirety...


Breed specific legislation is not a practicable approach to regulation of dogs. Breed specific regulations may alleviate the anxieties of those who are particularly concerned about the reputation of particular dog breeds. Breed specific regulation is very controversial and difficult to administer. It requires training of enforcement personnel in the identification of those breeds and in distinguishing those breeds from others. It might not be possible to enforce such ordinances against mixed breed dogs that had only some of the physical characteristics of the named breed. Breed specific regulation is usually intended to avoid specific types of behavior believed to predominate in the breed. Whether aggression or other behaviors are so predictable in certain breeds as to justify separate treatment of the breed is a hotly debated topic.

Available statistical evidence is poor and, therefore, readily subject to manipulation to support the desired point of view. Opponents of breed specific legislation will point out that such regulation fails to adequately address the problem (aggressive dogs). They are also likely to argue that it treats unfairly owners of the specified breeds when the individual animal does not exhibit the feared characteristics. Proponents are likely to present statistical or testimonial evidence and argue that it supports treating certain breeds according to group characteristics even if it excludes individual dogs not exhibiting the undesirable behavior.

A more direct approach is to regulate the behavior. This has the advantage of wider acceptance and clearer standards resulting in easier administration. Legislation focusing on inappropriate and prohibited dog behavior is readily supportable legally, and creates fewer evidentiary problems. It also more directly addresses the concerns intended to be addressed by breed specific legislation.

Sourced from:

Just call me Sir Jake...

I always knew I was special...and today I caught a look at my registration papers while the boss was reading something about my vac-see-nations...I swear they just invent difficult words to confuse me sometimes. Anyway, turns out that my Mum & Dad were both national champions, and same with all my Grandparents too! A dog does his best to be modest, but quality will shine through.

The Boss said we're goin' to the vets today which is GREAT. I love the vets. They always make a big fuss of me and give me a pigs ear to chew on!

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