Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I just learned I'm supposed to be vicious...

Hello world, welcome to my diary. The names Mess, Jake the Mess. For some reason people think that's funny.

My boss says that because I'm one of those 'vicious' breeds of dog (which must be true 'cause it's in all the newspapers at the moment) I should get out there in the public eye and show my worth as a member of polite doggy society.

I just turned 2. Not quite grown up yet, but not a puppy any more. This was me when I was a really little pup...about 6 months old. Too cute for words eh!

I'm a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Apparently that is supposed to make me some sort of killer breed or something. ...but really I don't know...I've never met someone I didn't like, in fact I'm told I like people too much, and need to just "calm down a bit" ...not sure about THAT!

We live in Lake Hawea, New Zealand. I'm not allowed to say where exactly, because would you believe it, people might try and STEAL ME!!

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