Monday, June 18, 2007

Citizen Jake...

I am now officially a Canine Good Citizen.

There was 11 of us attempting the test, and 7 of us passed. Most of it was pretty straight forward. It was COLD and RAINING though, which was a pity, but the organisers were really good (especially as it was their first time too) and we got through it in pretty quick time.

What we had to do:

  • Be wearing an up to date registration tag.
  • Be well groomed.
  • Be carrying a poo bag.
  • Allow the evaluator to groom my coat, look at my ears, and pick up my front paws to be examined. (I still don't like being brushed, especially when I'm cold...but the Boss said I had to put up with it just for the exercise)
  • Allow the Boss to look at my teeth and down my throat (which I still don't like!) and run his hands all over me.
  • The Boss had to answer 8 questions on responsible ownership of a me...(6/8 was the pass rate but he got 8/8...smarty!)
  • Show good food SIT/STAY until allowed to eat, and not beg when the evaluator had a biscuit in front of me. (Boring old dry wine I'm gonna beg for that!)
  • Accept a friendly stranger walking up and giving me a pat.
  • Sit quietly while the Boss had a chat with another stranger with a dog. (That was tough because the friendly strangers dog really liked ME!)
  • Walk through a gate to fetch a bag without getting in the Bosses way or pulling the leash.
  • SIT/STAY while the boss went about 5 mts away, then COME back to the Boss.
  • HEEL on leash.
  • HEEL on leash past a trio of noisy people with their dogs, and a jogger.
  • Be tied to a stake without complaining while the Boss was out of sight for 5 minutes.
  • Allow a stranger to take me for a walk without the Boss present. (I'd have to point out here that the stranger was NOT handling me well. I was on the wrong side, and allowed to be at the end of the leash rather than told to HEEL...the Boss was a bit disappointed with that!)
  • Play with my tug-toy, then release it on command. (I didn't see this myself, but apparently someone failed this test because their dog was GROWLING while playing TUG. ..SO WAS I! That's what you do when you play's not vicious or anything, just part of the GAME!! If that's all they failed on, ie they let go when told, I'd be asking for another opinion!)
And that was it. Sounds like a lot, but it really only took about 15 minutes per dog, and there were a few good chuckles to be had while waiting my turn for each exercise.

The Boss was really stoked that we got a special mention at the presentation afterwards, it turns out that we were the only ones that didn't belong to an official training club, and hadn't been through a specific training program leading up to the test. We've been invited to represent the Selwyn Dog Training Club here in Wanaka until the Boss gets a local Club incorporated.

The Boss is also hoping to attend an assessors course to enable him to conduct tests here for other people.

That was all on Saturday. On Sunday, we went and watched some Dog Agility trials. Boy, I thought I was pretty fast and good at jumping, but some of these dogs were AWESOME. The Boss reckons we're going to give it a go, but I've got some training to do first I can tell you!

We were also told that my level of training should be enough to begin obedience trialing, so we'll be looking into that as well.

All in all, a good result!!

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